On Line Therapy Dr. Cóilín Ó BraonáinOct 23, 2019Updated: Oct 12, 2023My online therapy page can be accessed directly via the following link. https://www.therapyhub.ie/therapist/coilin_o_braon...The video link and payments are embedded in the site. For availability, please message me through the hub.
My online therapy page can be accessed directly via the following link. https://www.therapyhub.ie/therapist/coilin_o_braon...The video link and payments are embedded in the site. For availability, please message me through the hub.
Covid 19 and AnxietyA recent Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP) has confirmed the obvious...a lot of us are anxious about the C19...
Does CBT Work?Over the last few decades, as the field of psychology has moved toward evidence-based practice, there has been more attention in the...
CBT: Maybe not the Cure for all Ills?An interesting article in The Guardian newspaper takes some of the shine off Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Copy and paste the link below...